Over the month of March, Pokémon GO has had more than its fair share
of events, updates and new additions. However, this may have been a bit
confusing for many Trainers considering the vast amount of movement that
went on in the community and in the game.
The purpose of this article is to compile a short summary of all the
different changes or happenings that occurred during this last month in
Pokémon GO. Please note that this article pertains more towards Trainers
worldwide, so region specific events may not be included or as detailed
as others.
If you wish to see more information about these events or read a bit
more in detail on them, links to our full articles will be provided
under their respective topics.
Eggstravaganza 2018
The Pokémon GO Eggstravaganza Returns for More Hatching Excitement!Event
On March 22nd, Pokémon Go’s 2nd Annual Eggstravaganza event began,
offering as a highlight, the ability to hatch Pokémon normally found in
5k or 10k were found in 2k eggs, to go along with this, Pokémon Go made
all Egg drops form Pokéstops exclusively 2ks. As a bonus to this main
feature, there was double Stardust throughout the entire event Shinies
As a secret little gift for Trainers, along with the event, there was
a small chance for Trainers to hatch one of multiple Shiny Babies, such
as Wynaut, Magby, or Togepi, along with finding shiny variations of
their evolutions in the wild. ZeChrales
Hours before the official announcement of the event, our
code-cracking expert ZeChrales was able to find the text for the
announcement in the game, releasing the information to Pokémon GO Hub
where we were able to announce the event before Niantic had any mention
of it! Links:
Bulbasaur Community DayEvent
If there was ever an event that was able to show the world that the
Pokémon GO Community is not dead, it was with this event. On March 25th,
for three hours straight, Trainers worldwide went out to find an
exclusive Pokémon to the event. Aside from this, many trainers took
advantage of the 3 hour lures and 3x Catch Stardust, taking full
advantage of this once in a life-time event. Bulbasaur
Niantic really threw a Curve Ball with this month’s Pokémon,
Bulbasaur. Trainers worldwide worked together to catch as many Bulbasaur
as possible in the hopes of evolving them during the three hour event,
Trainers that were successful in doing so were able to obtain an
exclusive Legacy move for Venusaur, Frenzy Plant Grass.
With the introduction of Bulbasaur’s Signature Move, its use in the
Meta was completely changed and was well sought out by Trainers because
of this game-changing move. Aside from all this, Trainers were more than
happy to report the presence of Shiny Bulbasaur throughout the event.
Trainers worldwide reported a much higher Shiny rate encounter than
normal, some Trainers even reporting a Shiny rate encounter of up to
15%! Controversy
Although many Trainers were excited the day of the event to evolve a Frenzy Plant Grass
Venusaur, the initial reaction was something less than approving. A
majority of Trainers were more than vocal when it came to the option to
use a Generation 1 Starter as a Community Day Pokémon. However, this
changed with the introduction of the Community Day Exclusive Move, which
made Trainers very happy to finally have a meta-relevant Venusaur. Links
Field Research Pokémon GOLegendary Week Results
Continuing with Legendary Week, on March 5th we received the
announcement that Rayquaza had won, so from March 5th to 16th not only
would we continue to see Rayquaza in Raid Battles, but Pokémon that
favored Windy weather would be be hatching from eggs more often, and as a plus, double XP! Lugia Returns
Starting on March 16th, Lugia made a comeback to Raid Battles
world-wide, but this time with a new kicker. This round, Lugia’s Sky
Attack Flying would be given a
power boost, this wasn’t so interesting for Trainers, so as a means of
inspiring Trainers to once again Raid for the Sea Pokémon, Niantic added
Shiny Lugia! Having around a 10% chance of appearing and a nearly 100%
capture rate, Trainers were ecstatic to go out Raiding this Legendary
once again. Mew Appears
For the first time in Pokémon, we were able to finally come across
Mythical Pokémon, of course, starting with Mew. On March 30th, a new
update was released which would give the introduction to Mythical
Pokémon in Pokémon GO, adding a new way to play the game. Links
Gym Leader Clothing Items Added!Gym Leader Outfits
Starting March 27th, Trainers worldwide were able to purchase and
wear clothing based on one of the in-game badges, once more following
the newer implementation of Unlockable clothing in relation to badges.
These new outfits are only available to Trainers who have accumulated a
Gold Gym Leader Badge, which equals having defended in gyms for a total
of 1000 hours. Controversy
Like with the first implementation of this new “unlockable” system
last month, Trainers were still upset that they had to purchase the new
outfits although they had accomplished reaching the Gold Badge required,
the controversy with this new clothing was not as large as last
month’s, but we suspect this is only because it is a new system that
Trainers now know to expect. Links
EX RaidPass Distribution
This last month was filled with many different Raid and pass distributions, here they are:
Pass Distribution on February 24th – EX Raid on March 9th/10th
Pass Distribution on March 8th – EX Raid on March 10th
Pass Distribution on March 9th – EX Raid on March 17th
Pass Distribution on March 15th – EX Raid on March 23rd/24th
Pass Distribution on March 24th – EX Raid on March 30th/31st
Pass Distribution on March 29th – EX Raid on April 7th/8th
Exclusive Raid Pass
Pass Distribution Confusion
Trainers on March 8th were confused after seeing that the EX Raid
Passes they received were for the same day (and same time for some) as
the EX Raid Passes they had previously received on February 24th. This
confusion did not rest quickly, after on March 9th, Trainers were once
again lost after seeing another Pass Distribution, a day after already
having a Pass Distribution occur, putting the community into more
confusion as to exactly when Passes are distributed. Pass Time Issues
On March 9th, Trainers were a mix of confused and angry after
multiple areas in America that were going though the process of Daylight
Savings Time, was causing many issues with times that would appear for
Raids, for some users saying the correct time and for other times that
were before/after the actual EX Raid. Links
Trainers, It’s Time to Conduct Important Pokémon Research!Updates in General
Throughout the month of March, Niantic released a total of three new
updates, these updates brought new game features and a new way to sign
in for Trainers, many Trainers considered these updates to be some of
the most revolutionary in the way Trainers play Pokémon GO, and we can’t
disagree. 0.95.3 Android / 1.65.3 IOS
As of March 16th, this update provided Trainers a new sign-in method,
before as Trainers could only use Google or their Pokémon Trainer’s
Club. However, with this new update Trainers were now able to sign in
using their Facebook Credentials, making the game easier to sign in for
most Trainers, although a small change, it is a very effective one.
Aside from this, Trainers reported that Maps and Trackers were no longer
working, showing us that Niantic is looking more into the way they
eliminate programs that violate their Terms of Service. 0.97.1 Android / 1.67.1 IOS
This update which was released on March 29th added a new interface to
the Weather System and laid out the groundwork for the next update
which we would see the following day. 0.97.2 Android / 1.67.2 IOS
On March 30th, this monumental update was released, the Research
update promised on March 26th finally made its release, integrating the
brand-spanking-new research system, rewarding Trainers for completing
task and along with this the integration of the Special Research Quest.
This Special Research would allow Trainers to communicate with Professor
Willow for the first time in more than a year, helping him look for and
fine the elusive and Mythical Pokémon, Mew. Trainers have been taking
full advantage of this update, posting their rewards online and sending
in AR pics of their Mews! Links
Pokémon GO APK Mine0.93.3 Android / 1.63.3 IOS
Out of all the APK Mines, this one was one of the least interesting, it included bug fixes galore. 0.93.4 Android / 1.63.4 IOS
This APK provided information on the Time issue related to EX Passes. Along with this we talk a bit about Code Branching! 0.95.3 Android / 1.65.3 IOS
This was one of the largest APK Mine discovered this month, which
included a long list of new things added, but what stood out most was
Spinda being in the code base, a new place of interest system added
which we believe to be Pokéstop submissions and Frenzy Plant was added
for Bulbasaur’s Community Day. 0.97.2 Android / 1.67.2 IOS
This was the largest APK Mine, revealing more details in
relation to the Research Update, and providing new information hours
before its release. Links
8-Bit Pokémon GOApril Fools
On March 31st, Trainers were surprised to open their games and
observe a clever little joke dropped by Niantic, introducing their new
8-Bit Graphics. Although this was loved by any Trainers, it was despised
by others. Aside from this, for some unown (pun intended) reason, Shiny
Murkrow was added to the game. Unown
Throughout the month of March, there were multiple reports of Unown
appearing, including as SXSW, at GDC, Armageddon Expo, and Dutch
Comic-Con Raid Bosses
Although regular Raid bosses have mostly been put on standby ever
since the introduction of Legendary Raids, there was still a few Raid
Boss rotations. The first rotation occurred on March 5th with the
victory of Rayquaza over Groudon and Kyogre for Legendary Week. The
second rotation occurred on March 16th with the return of Lugia to Raid
Battles. Along with this, European raid times were extended extending
farther into the evening. Accidental Shadow Bans
Attempting to solve the issue with users using Third Party
Applications, Niantic implemented a new way to track cheaters, and
unfortunately, it backfired big time, shadowbanning Trainers that
weren’t using any Third Party Applications. Xiamen New Media Exhibition Event
This event on March 6th took part in showcasing new electronics, and
part of this includes AR, so to celebrate, Pokémon GO made an
appearance, allowing Trainers to catch Mewtwo and Pikachu using a Plush
Pokéball. Global Telecom Niantic Breakup
Global Telecom, a local sponsor of Pokémon GO in the Philippines
ended their contract with Niantic, removing sponsored Gyms and
Pokestops. Google Launches AR Core
For Android users that were upset about not having AR Plus, on March
1st this changed, giving select devices the availability of using AR
Plus in Pokémon GO. Links
More likely than not, all Pokémon that have been released throughout
this month (including their shiny variants) will continue to be
accessible in game, this does exclude however specific Legendaries and
specific Unown. Community Day
Although this month’s Community day has passed, we still have April’s
community day to look forward to, this is a feature that is not going
anywhere. Legendaries/Mythicals
As we can already see, with the departure of Lugia, there was quickly
an introduction to New Legendaries. Although other Mythical Pokémon may
not appear so soon, the release of Mew indicates that we will be seeing
Mythical Pokémon in the future. Avatar Clothing
Although controversial at times, the new Avatar Clothing is here to
stay, using medals to unlock and then pay for is a system that is no
longer new to us. EX Raid Passes
Even though despised by many trainers, the EX raid system is most
likely here to stay, at least for the meantime, the month of March
created lots of confusion as to how the system works, but we should
expect things next to be resolved within next month. Updates
Assuming according to our APK Mines that big things are coming, we
will most likely see more updates in the next few months such as these,
they should come as no surprise.
With each new update, there is a brand new APK Mine to work on, so rest assured that we will provide updates at they come along.
Final Notes
Although March wasn’t as jammed with events like last month, it was
still a revoulutionary month for the game, establishing the concept of
returning Legendaries, Mythical Pokémon, the new Quest System, and much,
much more. We can bicker, we can argue, we can fight and we can battle,
but know this, Pokémon GO is growing every single day, in number and
evolution, and with each moment that passes, we are one step closer to
greater updates and greater Pokémon.
From this writer’s point of view, sure, Pokémon GO has had its issues
this month, and although we do not wish to hear the “no game is
perfect” cliché, it’s true. Pokémon GO this month was filled with
errors, issues, controversy and everything else, but it also moved
forward the mission of Trainers and brought something new to the table,
so what’s a few kinks if it means having greater features in the
If you want to see what happened in March compared to last month, take a look at our Monthly Overview of Pokémon GO: February 2018
Have fun and stay safe, Trainers.
Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt ELECTRIC 195 — 1 Pikachu-exclusive Z-Move. Accelerock ROCK 40 100 20 User attacks first. Acid Downpour POISON — — — 1 Poison type Z-Move. All-Out Pummeling FIGHTING — — — 1 Fighting type Z-Move. Anchor Shot STEEL 80 100 20 The user entangles the target with its anchor chain while attacking. The target becomes unable to flee. Aurora Veil ICE — — 20 Halves damage from Physical and Special attacks for five turns. Baneful Bunker POISON — — 10 In addition to protecting the user from attacks, this move also poisons any attacker that makes direct contact. Beak Blast FLYING 100 100 15 The user first heats up its beak, and then it attacks the target. Making direct contact with the Pokémon while it’s heating up its beak results in a burn. Black Hole Eclipse DARK — — — 1 Dark type Z-Move. Bloom Doom GRASS — — — 1 Grass type Z-Move. Breakneck Blitz NORMAL — — — 1 Normal type Z-Move. Brutal Swing DARK 60 10...
Poipole Poipole is a Poison type Pokémon introduced in Generation 7 . It is known as the Poison Pin Pokémon . Poipole is an Ultra Beast introduced in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, also known by the code name UB Adhesive . Poipole displays many emotions, and it’s said to be able to understand human speech if it spends enough time together with them. Their large heads are filled with venom, and they fire this venom from the poisonous needles on top of them. Pokémon data National № 803 Type Poison Species Poison Pin Pokémon Height 2′0″ (0.61m) Weight 4 lbs (1.8 kg) Abilities Beast Boost Local № 261 (Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)
0:00 / 0:29 CLICK TO PLAY WATCH NEXT Samsung uses gigantic phone model to showcase the CHECK OUT THE LATEST POKEMON GO! UPDATE 30 Easter is a time for eggs - and that hasn't escaped the notice of Niantic Labs, creators of the hit mobile game Pokémon Go . The company is hotly tipped to launch a special Easter Event that looks likely to kick off tomorrow. Like previous Valentine's Day and Thanksgiving events, the Easter event will last for a week and give players a handy boost . They will receive double the XP and, of course, a better chance of hatching a rare Pokémon from one of their eggs. READ MORE Pokémon coming to the Nintendo Switch? Mysterious job listing sends gamers crazy Pokemon Go (Photo: Getty) Have your say on this story Comment Below The likes of Snorlax and Lapras can be hatched from eggs that require players to walk a specif...
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